Tuesday, June 19, 2007

those days....

It’s been almost a year, and I have no one here.

Everyone seems to have departed to chase their own dreams.

I was just alone yesterday having a look at my own memories culled from the past. Everything was same; the only difference was that my dear ones abated with whom I had spent my one beautiful year. As you move towards your grave, every time which has gone by seems to be really beautiful and u always desire to get it back.

Then why don’t we realize that if we are going to repent so much, for the time that is passing by, then enjoy your present because soon it will become your past which u will relish.
But I do understand that it’s the natural tendency of the human beings to make a mistake repetitively, only to realize later on that what they have done is wrong.

I also had the same feeling yesterday. Sitting on the tapri outside with friends, sharing camaraderie, lost in thoughts that gone are the same days which we had just one year back with my erstwhile dear ones. Mourning over that it’s over, but that one thought which I am always late to realize, that this moment which u r living in won’t come back too, was like a phone ring taking me out of my reverie.

Suddenly, life was much better. I know that It’s hard to make yourself convinced that u can look forward, subsiding your old torn thoughts deep somewhere in to your deepest trench of heart.

But that’s the way of life , if u will still cling on to your past lamenting about what you couldn’t do and what u shouldn’t have done , then u will always be buried into your high decibel depressions. You will never be able to embrace your future.

Think from a different perspective, if u would have been devoid of all these beautiful times u possess, how your life would have been? Instead feel yourself lucky that u have been blessed by god with so many moments to cherish.

So don’t ever be gloomy about your lost times, that was the gift which u enjoyed , just move forward in life making every moment of your life worth living.

Might be you could make in difference in someone’s life.
Might be life’s planning to unwrap some more gifts for you.