Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Silver Jubilee

25 years on earth done today and still empty handed. Oh, that was just a mere dialogue, meaning nothing at all.
Well, just wanted to pen down something (anything may be), coz i felt like.
Have some lyrics to share (I found it amazing..):
"Gun Guni Dhoop Ki Tarah Se Tarango Mein Tum, Chhoo Ke Mujhe Guzri Ho Yuh, Dekhu Tumhe Ya Main Sunoo, Tum Ho Sukoon Tum Ho Junoon..."

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Virtual Reality

As the title sounds, its all about the dreamy state. I just finished with a movie, and it actually had an effect on me, well actually almost all the movies do have it upon me.
I was compeletely mesmerised!!!
Is it with everyone or its just me, that i keep on impersonating with the the leads?
All along it, it took me in ,i was completely absorbed, as if it is all real (although i know its not), it all feels so good, penetrating through the emotions, the character, you feel as if you were/are part of it, at times you do empathize with it.
At the back of mind you know that its like a virtual world, its the dreamy state, it will be over within 2.5 hrs (maybe more or little less) but you love to be in there. When you walk out of it and face the real world you are a little disappointed.
The question : why cant your life be as it was there in that virtual world? i.e All hunky dory at the end. It actually makes you think that whether your life also sways the same way, ups and downs, like it is shown, but at the end, its all fine OR its just the ride of virtual reality you are supposed to take and lead your life the simple way, as does an ordinary man. Sounds disheartening..hmm.
May be that has to be decided by oneself, whether to create his own realm or just get lost with the crowd.
For me, i would love to be lost in the realm of dreams, that virtual reality or may be if i could be thrown in to lucid dreaming till immortality. It may look like confining oneself to an ivory tower and shutting off from the world, but thats the way certain people choose to live (although they cant).