Thursday, April 29, 2010


I just don't want her to feel about me the way I feel about her. How wonderful it is when you come across such phrases which will just hit you instantly, as if those were written or composed for self. You just start impersonating into one of the characters and try to feel what one is going through.
It is good to sound that what if I would have been in that position and the world would have been looking at you, knowing about the pain and pitying, but with sympathetic helplessness. Here goes another one:
You can't feel so much guilt without love...

Sunday, April 25, 2010


The ego has come into play now, I am no more different from others, I succumbed to all this.  I thought, would surpass this all, but it hit me. I am in mood to take even a baby step but somewhere I am just begging for just a simple call which would suffice for all what has been lost over a past couple of days. But I know this is not gonna happen, as its tough mantle on the other side.
Just want to admit, as much as I try to evade it, it is penetrating deep inside me making me weak, not withstanding anything.
And let alone this, it seems I am loosing just another important possession of mine, cant spit this as well.

This is gonna be definitely tough....

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Why Sulking?

A simple reason, I wasn't given the importance or my share of obligatory feed, which I mistook for granted.
I would want it in spite of being turning myself away every time it happens. wouldn't publicly embrace her, nor privately disown her.
It is disheartening when you do not get your share of pie and that too with so much expectations ladened on you.

Sunday, April 4, 2010


U know it when it happens, because it is just so beautiful and enchanting that it will instantly bite you. It happened today after a long gap, and I must admit, it was magical, would love to fall into it again and again.
Moments when you really felt there was dearth of time, the clock doesn't mean anything to you, and you are just lost into that world.
It was just purely magical.