Tuesday, December 16, 2008


I hate what i have become to escape what i hated being - its by M.M

Thats the only thing which comes to my mind all day, coz its the most apt way to describe me at this point of time. I aint doing what i should......right now....

I dont know whether what is happening with me is taking the right course or not, but i feel its not the right time and, on the contrary, i am also enjoying it, it gives me a platonic pleasure which is too hard to resist, but with a unknown fear in my heart....the fear of loosing other cherished and wanted things in life. Its seems like i am stuck in a quagmire.....the moment i move a lil bit, i am thrown deep inside......The only solution i could give to myself was to be full with sanguinity, just hoping to get over with it or may be someday life will prove me wrong...

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