Wednesday, November 18, 2009


It will just let you do what you cant just imagine, one moment of madness, your body and soul are ripped apart, without their knowledge and suddenly when its all gone, there is sadness, that will linger for always. The guilt and then again fear comes into play. Perplexing but true..

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Out of Cocoon

Just before I could start trying myself to let out of cocoon, someone helped me, and now, when out of this, I am dying, because that someone never thought that the help would proved fatal for me as it wouldn't be there always.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Zinda hu main

One of those days again, one of those songs, ignited the flames which were subdued some time ago, creating havoc now. It just reminds of this - I hate what I have become to escape what I hated being. The intentions were pure, however eventually everything turned up against me, leaving me all alone as if I was the one who committed the blunder. The aftershocks were there, just a few weeks back too. You cant do anything, you just can not do anything, its They now. I understand but what to do when the song reverberates reminding you of all those not-so-pleasant moments...

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Nice day

One of the nice evenings spent with someone, after so long, is really sometimes needed. But the confusion still remains, whether the gravity has its effect on me? Whatever it is, it was all pleasant today, obviously, as I said the self flagellating part would never die in me and the dirty mind was building its own tarmac to just give it the final touch. I strongly felt I would fell or it actually may be a wise decision to just let it happen, but then it scares me that it would bruise my fragile ego by erasing away the self proclaimed tag of I-Wont-Do-This. Afraid of whats gonna be with this...

Thursday, November 5, 2009

When was the last time you felt joy?


Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Missed Moments

A day when I should actually spend some time here, when a bit of self introspection would definitely be needed. But its not the right time. Would call it some other day.
The other reason is "The missed moments".
The difference is that the moments soon turned into days, months, years and faded away into something I can never get in. The regret ain't gone and it keeps on reminding me, that I didn't had the courage, guts to turn those into what could have been a great story. It was magical.

Some find love, but I admit to missed moments, I saw, loved, but didn't pluck up the courage to talk....