Monday, January 10, 2011

Insanity galore

pricking like hell,
when you are supposed to,
do otherwise and alleviate pain,
rather than your own self.

Trying to stitch,
that tattered soul,
if somehow,
could bring it back to,
near about normal.

Of all the things happening,
with pure intention here,
could have been mistaken,
it was rightly needed, a full stop,
to prevent it from penetrating into the veins.

Absolutely no fucking freaking reason,
to elaborate this spasm of sulking,
disgruntled emotions.
Was it a text killer,
or it needs a response.

Left in the middle of nowhere,
how do I gulp this poison,
no fucking option at all,
can just yell, yell and only yell,
in my traumatized mind.

How to take care of these two,
that torn soul,
and this insanity filled mind,
when both are just needed for each other,
together always at the right time.

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