Monday, February 14, 2011


Its only when u lose faith, you do lose the way. 
Its only when “I” comes in the way of your judgement, you do actually fail to judge.
Its the unconditional love, which should prevail.


Love is such a warm emotion,
that it soothes every single piece of you,
however torn you may be,
however lost you may be,
it will just come and lull you into calmness, making you at very ease.

Just like that

It was just a first attempt,
in the flow of love,
with that pure care and concern,
to make you free of all disturbance.

Contradictory it went,
I dont know where I went wrong,
but it was all just done with a pure heart,
and a godly intention.

You misunderstood,
created pain for yourself,
and hence me too,
for, it all went awry.

This confusion,
paved the way for disappointment,
for what I wanted to convey,
couldn't be and what you got,
it actually shouldn't be.

Please dont make it difficult,
for both of us,
mine's is just an hearty attempt,
to save you out from all this mess.

Valentine's Day

Let Love be the guide to your dreams,
let Love be the light to your heart,
let your Love be the reason why somebody's else's heart still
continues to beat..

Monday, February 7, 2011


I am afraid,
of these moments,
when you have those,
sporadic outburst of,
such piercing words,
coming out unintentionally.

I know you never wanted it to be,
but these just popped up,
stabbing me like a thousand knives.

There's no cure to it,
except just to accept it.
would we have to carry this burden,
silently, all along our whole life.

Will we ever get freedom from this,
will there be a day detached from this,
its an albatross around the neck,
making us weak day by day,
playing havoc in life.

Sunday, February 6, 2011


Dreadful it was,
what I dreamed last night,
it was the amalgamation,
of the things which went past,
the whole day.

Taken away you were,
for I couldn't just do anything,
I was a dead soul,
leaving it all to destiny.

The pain was excruciating,
flooding my lachrymal lake.
You could see it,
but somehow it wasn't empathized.

How could he enter,
when I presumed,
the doors were not open.

Both of you left,
frightening and leaving me,
with nothingness in my hands.

I am scared to death,
its all dark everywhere,
both outside and deep inside me.

Would it just end like this someday,
before it could really start.
This has been giving me attacks,
with my each single breath.

Would you really leave me,
would I be able to cope up,
only you can make me feel at ease,
otherwise it will keep on haunting and I will be lost.

Saturday, February 5, 2011


Unwelcome I was,
for, as this was the realization,
which dawned upon me.

Discomforting it was,
as it made all the feel disappear.
I was made to leave,
was it the fear,
or was it the sleep?