Sunday, February 6, 2011


Dreadful it was,
what I dreamed last night,
it was the amalgamation,
of the things which went past,
the whole day.

Taken away you were,
for I couldn't just do anything,
I was a dead soul,
leaving it all to destiny.

The pain was excruciating,
flooding my lachrymal lake.
You could see it,
but somehow it wasn't empathized.

How could he enter,
when I presumed,
the doors were not open.

Both of you left,
frightening and leaving me,
with nothingness in my hands.

I am scared to death,
its all dark everywhere,
both outside and deep inside me.

Would it just end like this someday,
before it could really start.
This has been giving me attacks,
with my each single breath.

Would you really leave me,
would I be able to cope up,
only you can make me feel at ease,
otherwise it will keep on haunting and I will be lost.

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