Friday, July 10, 2009

Am Scared...

I am actually scared of what I think may not have happened or it might have taken place.
Coming into this real world after good old puppy days has made me realised that lifes not a piece of cake. To make it precise, for me, it feels like as if i was living in a ivory tower, and now things have unfolded in such a way and such pace, that I am really scared that what is next.
A simple call at any odd time of the day aggravates my belief and I am left pounding, although everything may be hunky dory. I have absolutely no idea that am I the only coward in this or everyone faces the same situation. When would I get rid of this fear which send jitters down my spine, but I really wouldnt want this at the cost of anyone?
What we all lose, can never be re gained. I was too late to realise this......and it was all shatters.
Was it worth it?

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