Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Couldnt get an apt Title...

What I deeply realised today is that this blog may be actually of great use to showcase yourself or maybe, it could have much more meaningful and knowledagble stuff than what it is right now (full of depressants). Till date my blogs have always been about my fears, feelings, puppy loves, anxiety, mostly acting as a downer (although it has given a vent to my feelings) or to summarize, it has always about my state of heart and self confessions. Seldom have I wrote anything apart from the above mentioned states.

No one knows about this and even I wouldnt like anyone to. Its was just a feeling which prevailed upon me that its time to make it public and use the blog extensively. This feel actually started when one of my close friends wrote a post and spread that around, among our group of friends. And it was good, brimming with optimism and having the confidence with the self beilef needed, which I found really impressive.

The current state of mine is biased towards putting it to good use (at least for me). I just hope it continues till eternity otherwise the fluctuation would be devastating for me.

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