Wednesday, October 21, 2009


It was the perfect timing. I wanted to and was trying to recover from my momentary bouts of depression. But suddenly I saw that and it plunged me deep into that. For a moment, it was all still, as if I had been betrayed, but it had to be and this was a no new fact to me. The only difference that I didn't expect this so sooner. Just now finished with the 2 States, The story of my marriage. Well, with me caught in all this, there couldn't be any more apt time for this to start or may be end with. Disgusting man, why do fellas really end up like this, oh its just my hurt fragile ego speaking up. Its the happy ending or may be a bad start for me. Well, good wishes for both of them, but it hurt a bit, and the one regret I will have and now will find its way to be buried inside, since nothing can be done about this. I wish I could speak to her....just once..

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