Sunday, November 7, 2010


It is bound to come back,
how much u resist and try,
u cant just escape it,
few hours pass by calmly,
n then the turbulence hits you.

Paining, it is real hard,
for it is not easy to let go,
u have no control over it,
except to suffer defeat.

U think u have conquered it,
but thats the oblivion u r living in.
the moment it sneaks,
u feel tattered.

The heart beats at a faster pace,
but how long it will be in the race.
maddening it has become,
please just stop this chase.

I know this is a hope against hope,
but this is just to avoid this tiring pain.
Feels all alone, just loneliness as an accompaniment,
now i just think of him, as he is the supreme one,
who will take care of my future and present.

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