Saturday, November 6, 2010

Let it be a Lie

Magical it was,
sitting next to her,
feeling the breath,
if asked my last wish on this earth,
would want those moments back,
frozen in time, forever.

On the way back,
stirred she was emotionally,
the stop came, it was time for her to move,
stood off at an increasing distance,
making me used to the absence.

We both knew there was something missing,
there was no courage to ask,
as if she never wanted to leave,
we stood there,
just to deceive.

Trying to elongate our discussions,
if somehow we could take it long enough.
but there were pauses, silent noise,
Those unsaid words.

We knew it,
but couldn't take it out,
both of us.
I took the lead,
said goodbye, leaving her in darkness.

Realized, when back at home,
something was not going right,
that something has been missing badly.

Wish any of us could start,
but I guess both were afraid,
a call was desperately needed,
but I was completely dismayed.

There were glances galore at the phone,
wish I could get a call,
an hour went by, 
but nothing happened at all.

I couldn't bear that loneliness,
it was eating me up,
decided to hit the bed.

Sat and lied calmly,
my eyes beginning to close,
and suddenly I realised,
there was a call, and it was her.

It was such a relief,
experienced never before,
took the call, talks went by,
tucked my boat to the shore.

We wanted more and we both knew,
but we couldn't say it,
could feel the love in her voice,
n so could she, the end came,
we had to hang up.

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