Sunday, December 27, 2009


Theres always a time when you start realizing when you have done a mistake, when you have that sense to judge that you have committed a blunder. I did one of those , today or may be yesterday, I could have made it, but somehow due to some nonsensical reasons and the pressure which I couldn't cope up with, I just didn't do it, what should have been done. I tried it today also, but it was late or I didn't had the courage even at this moment, or may be it was way too expensive for me, making me realize that dude, you are gonna regret, and yes, I accept that fact. I feel sorry about that, but as people say, time never returns, may be there could be a next time, but am afraid everything wouldn't be the same then. As they say, Family, Friends and work are like balls which you keep on juggling. work is a rubber ball, it will bounce back, but Friends would be like glass material, once dropped, you wont get it back. Although the situation hasn't worsened this much, but I do feel I didn't do the right thing, would really like to make it up someday. Lets see, people say that you don't get much opportunities, what is gone, is gone. But I am an optimist....

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