Friday, January 22, 2010

02:51 31 The Causeway

A completely different day or rather night, a different country, never thought would be mired in such situation, which I had always been afraid of, but time has really passed by, without even ruffling much feathers, which I had expected or rather anticipated. Couldnt have ever imagined myself to be a part of such idiotic episode, but on the contrary, it was rather my own cowardice which pushed me to give in. I can still feel those scary moments which I had to go through because of which I am here. But things changed once I dropped in here, the first day was too alien, and then moving on, it was quite okay, not as bad as I had expected it to be. It might be because of the fellas with me here or may be because of not having another option except to just do it. Although it doesnt appeal at all, but still, I dont know, the feeling has really been complicated.
As usual, I am unaware of what should happen, I am just letting it go with the flow, but this is something which takes a toll. After all till when, its been ages, it seems, this really makes me go short of words and alters my mood. So thats it, nothing more...

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