Thursday, June 17, 2010

Horrible It was..

Sitting on the terrace, just 2 of us, it was day time, may be early winter morning. Just bantering, suddenly a uproar, we ignore it initially. He was sitting on a chair looking calm. Suddenly we got the news and we were like, come on what the heck.  And what was it, that he is dead, I thought what the fuck, he is just sitting in front of me and I start playing jokes on him that people have declared you dead and clamoring about it. We both laugh a bit, but then the modest, composed look on his face gave me a dread. I was terrified, stood and walked up to him, got to his ear and asked, tell me its not true. But he gave me a small charming smile, which implicitly meant that it was true. I was taken aback. I joked thinking that, oh thats good, so may be I am the only one to feel your physical presence (or was it his soul), for rest of the world he was buried. For next 2 minutes I was in the same frame of mind, until I realized what has happened. He had left, even if I could see him, but no one else could.
I had gone blank, it all froze the very moment, what I could feel, were just tears dripping down my face and in somewhat sub conscious state, I could feel him consoling me, that at least, he will be with me forever, but unknown to the world.
Next moment, I saw my uncle coming up (who could also actually feel his posthumous state) asking to just wrap it all up, as for the rest, its the truth that he is gone. One of our friends, whom we would have spoken to just twice, thrice or may be 4-5 times in college comes up with 2 glasses of water, one taken by me and when he sees another one taken by him, and it seems to him that the glass is just hung in air with nobody holding it, he is shocked.
Thats the end. I just woke up the very next moment.

But the feel for whatever happened has not gone yet. It was just dreadful, how would it feel like when you would lose someone so valuable to you, may be the closest person in the world after your family.
I just can not pen down the feelings, what I had gone through, but when I woke up, it was like hell.
I guess the above would have been more expressive and painful had I written it in the morning itself.

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