Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Lose You

You are lying on a stretcher in a hospital with those oxygen mask on you and blood being injected into continuously from a bottle hung on your stretcher itself. You have the most lovable person in front of you with not so happy expression or even worse, with some tears just on the verge of rolling and you are being taken away from them, the nurse slowly pulls away the stretcher thereby increasing the distance between you and them. The door comes closer, you have a painful smile on your face, the eye contact with them is still there, with a hope that you would see them soon, although you both know that no such day is there for you now, as soon you will be short of breaths.
Which one of the them would endure more pain, the patient who gets inside on the stretcher knowing that its all over, they need to leave or the helpless person standing on the other side just watching you let go as nothing at all can be done?

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