Monday, August 30, 2010

reality Unfolds

No one can change,
whats bound to happen.
How much I deny and
keep myself in oblivion,
i wont escape unhurt.

Just looking for solace,
if i could be let out of all this.
It has been the source of envy,
or jealousy, for i cant lie.

Has been bothering all along,
just cropped up like anything today,
when it was all smoothly sailing on.

Why the affect is so intense,
just when those two are going ahead.
Feels disheartening,
as i have been forsaken,
like precious moments from me taken.

Thought i was just dreaming,
but alas, it dawned upon me,
hardening the stand on my ideology.

It is utterly disgusting,
as cant stand the sight,
now the mind seeks revenge,
only to find out, there's no vent.

Absurd it may get with time,
will be just left by myself,
alone, deserted and wandering in my mind. 

Sunday, August 29, 2010


For what I had thought,
would last so long,
just turned out to be a week.
The thoughts before this,
were always filled with,
pain, dejection and some tears.
Indescribable it is,
for it would be accepted by all.
It all came to an end, 
just with a single call.
No emotion, no reaction,
nothing was there, when it was here.
For the time being, 
things have been made easy.
The path could also be the same,
on the other side,
just designed in her own bizarre ways.
It is normal for us to do this,
as there is no scope to evade a miss.
Finally, the unspoken silence was broken,
and it was all magical, once just done.
Surroundings never made sense to me thereafter,
as I was completely lost or mesmerized.
This could be just a dose,
very much needed in time,
who knows, may be there's more in line.
Never felt this way before,
with pain and dejection no more.
But i fear the invincibility of this,
as I am the one who would be at defeat.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Fine spun web

There so much to hide,
how come you can do that,
when you are dying inside.
You want a glimpse,
or may be just a word,
but you show as if you dont care.
Ego is setting you up,
but it seems its good at times.
Dont want to pamper yourself,
since you know it wont last long.
It may be contemporary,
but there is a feel deep down inside,
an optimism, that it will be mine.
Very few shades of that,
keep you alive.
You want it deeply,
but would not want it, when its there.
Its the selfishness,
the inability of not getting hurt,
which scares you.
Had seen, had heard,
people do things, when in love.
The experience is enlightening,
for I thought I could evade it.
Life has taken a new direction,
with one way, but no u turn.
Now its only the wait,
otherwise life is still the same.

Sunday, August 22, 2010


Give me one name to whom you could speak to right now without any hitch and also with excessive comfort, so that you would not even think twice before speaking up, and about any god damn thing in this world. Couldn’t think of anyone, well, sure it feels hollow inside after this if you couldn’t get any. You wish you had one. Time to introspect...

Friday, August 20, 2010


I can see it, its there far off from me,
want it real bad, but deep down know,
its not possible...
the stronger I try to chase it,
it scurries off from me...
am living in past filled with haunting (once cherish-able) memories,
spending my present with pain and pleasure,
thinking of future having worries in abundance.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010


And you feel like no one before, 
you steal right under my door,
I kneel coz I want you some more,
I want the lot of what you got,
And I want nothing that you have got....

--Contemporary Catharsis

Monday, August 16, 2010


The noose seems to be tightening now and it really seems painful to escape it. Paradoxical it is, because its such a thing you would not have control over, thats the power of love.
2 days and it feels like hell. For what I had thought to be the most easy thing which I could bypass has just took me by surprise. Can't just move on with it. To keep it as simple as it could be, her indispensability is hitting really bad and giving the pangs of disgruntled emotions filled with the anticipation of regret and repentance, all through out the day (as if you dont have anything else).
Its sure real hard to take the right path, at least as of now. If its gone, simple there is a blank, nothing else, the question then is What Next? and that looks like the end.
Don't want to surrender to acceptance, but then it looks like a fair possibility and the next right thing in row.

Friday, August 13, 2010


Listen to Time (the one from inception). What do you feel? Its a bit hard to describe, but the music leaves you spellbound (at least me) and will take you into an all together different world.
If you were to look for words to pen down your feelings while listening to this or in a way catharsis, these could be : Tears, Empathy or may be sympathy, pain, disheartening, desperation and  bla bla bla.
Somehow this actually arouses pity in you and if translated into visuals, you could find that whatever has been happening or you are viewing is not gonna happen (which ideally should) and its all a failed attempt, although deep down you want it through, thus relieving yourself or the other one concerned of the agony. 
There is a feel that may be you could help it out, but you cant, you have to just let it go, however bad its gonna be. You feel you could impersonate it all. 
Well, there is so much that could be deciphered, but you know there is a need of that knack which Nolan showed already and it lacks here.
Its just mind boggling. It leaves you in a world full of mystery, perplexity, things considered strange and mostly out of realm of normal human mind.
Time, is titled aptly.