Monday, August 16, 2010


The noose seems to be tightening now and it really seems painful to escape it. Paradoxical it is, because its such a thing you would not have control over, thats the power of love.
2 days and it feels like hell. For what I had thought to be the most easy thing which I could bypass has just took me by surprise. Can't just move on with it. To keep it as simple as it could be, her indispensability is hitting really bad and giving the pangs of disgruntled emotions filled with the anticipation of regret and repentance, all through out the day (as if you dont have anything else).
Its sure real hard to take the right path, at least as of now. If its gone, simple there is a blank, nothing else, the question then is What Next? and that looks like the end.
Don't want to surrender to acceptance, but then it looks like a fair possibility and the next right thing in row.

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