Sunday, August 29, 2010


For what I had thought,
would last so long,
just turned out to be a week.
The thoughts before this,
were always filled with,
pain, dejection and some tears.
Indescribable it is,
for it would be accepted by all.
It all came to an end, 
just with a single call.
No emotion, no reaction,
nothing was there, when it was here.
For the time being, 
things have been made easy.
The path could also be the same,
on the other side,
just designed in her own bizarre ways.
It is normal for us to do this,
as there is no scope to evade a miss.
Finally, the unspoken silence was broken,
and it was all magical, once just done.
Surroundings never made sense to me thereafter,
as I was completely lost or mesmerized.
This could be just a dose,
very much needed in time,
who knows, may be there's more in line.
Never felt this way before,
with pain and dejection no more.
But i fear the invincibility of this,
as I am the one who would be at defeat.

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