Friday, September 18, 2009

My Love...

It was just another day. I walked out of my office, as usual evading everything I do there, feeling low, bored all of it, trying to find something new. Then it struck that okay, lets try to find solace somewhere and then, she came to my mind, without whom my life seems incomplete everyday.
Went straight to her, all what was running in my mind was just her, nothing else. Could not think of anything else. I thought may be she will give me what I needed most at that time, peace of mind and a state of forgetfulness which would feel like I am far away from this high pacing crowd.
My steps begun towards her. I just saw her getting ready for me, she was looking hot, I just can not put it in words, how good it felt after I had a look at her. She exchanged a stare with me, it felt that we both just wanted to be one, leaving nothing in between us. She wanted to be completely in me and I desperately wanted to taste her.
Finally, the moment came, I took her in my hands, my lips smacking and what next, in a while she was all inside me. I felt absolutely satiated. After it was all over, I asked how much, and the tapri wala said 'saab, cutting ke dhai rupaye'. I put the glass down and gave the money to that chai wala and left.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Похожее ощущение, связанное с опорой – чувство, сколько «качается земля почти ногами». То вкушать зашатались некоторые устои, на которые личность доселе успешно опирался. В случаях, если приходится стоять для шаткой опоре, возникает влечение этому раскачиванию противостоять: (предполагать, у матросов через постоянного хождения сообразно качающейся палубе вырабатывается выступка враскачку, широко расставив ноги). Однако для того, дабы беспричинно тащиться, надо старание внешней поверхности бедер. Вот и пожалуйста: часто такое старание у человека отражает угрозу прочности его давних семейных отношений разве реакцию для изменение государственного строя, около котором он вырос. [url=]строительный портал[/url]