Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Another brick in the wall

Another brick in the wall now, happened to meet a few people off lately who have the potential to replace me w.r.t. mmmmm....actually a lot of things which can not be described here. All that can be said is that its gonna hurt real bad, given the time already spent, it would be really difficult to snap it all off abruptly and above all passing off the baton (which was and is inevitable). It was very much clear or rather it was completely out pouring that it left me out of place. Last resort at such occasions are always just to be seemed in your own world to escape those awkward moments.
You know what the prick is : that somebody, just god damn somebody (that too who came upon later, much later than you and mesmerized in such a short span) is gonna own or possess them, more than you do. It gives you that look in the face that you will be losing all the prerogatives you enjoyed over them. And this all is actually very hard to digest that you will be losing upon something which you always had for long and it was for granted with mutual consent. And now, with this consent again (but not for me) it will all disappear, you will get nothing, nothing at all.
They will just come, take that cookie from you very sweetly (although you would be boiling inside, but with a smile on face) and boom, it goes.
This all has cultivated more hatred in me, making me to imbibe more and more trust into my own dark thoughts.
Its amazing, though unbelievably strange, how come they can vary so much.
You know what, this She thing has the uncanny capability to tear you apart, shred you into such pieces which would be reluctant to come back to glue together. And life will be hell for you.
On the contrary this She has the ability to pull those pieces together and stitch them very softly devoid of any pain and you would not even know what happened. And life will be a bliss for you.

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