Thursday, July 29, 2010


I heard that people do change with time. I used to deny or even neglect this fact every time someone used to din it in my ears, since those were my graduation days and I never did give a damn to any of the things in life. Everything was rosy for me back then. No care at all for anything in life, but gradually I have started to realise what it actually feels like. It may be partly true that people change with time, but I guess it’s more of the circumstances, different facets of life which one goes through, and that actually compels a person to behave differently unlike his/her past. And now what about the present life, deeply engrossed into their life with a bulk of responsibilities, everyone has forgotten everyone. It’s just about them, actually not their fault, just the normal human behaviour. You start avoiding people, don’t even take calls, even from close ones, but separated by a distance.  The ones who are physically around you in your everyday life would have expectations and your shoulders will just drop down carrying that burden of fulfilling it. And when you can’t take it anymore, you just give in, blowing up everything.
People who are physically around us are bound to have expectations from us and we are supposed to reciprocate at least in some way they would like us to.  And the ones who are oceans apart, just connected through technology (although at once they were really close) are no longer that important part of our lives and it does hurt, it surely does.  It is really hard to digest the fact that things have really changed and the best or worst part is that you didn’t do that. Its not like that its all over, you still feel the same about them you used to do, but theres something which has changed and can’t be explained. The reason behind that could be that you are no longer with them and no longer are those moments when you could just laugh, cry, play at any/with god damn thing.
Nostalgia overtakes. I quit.

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