Monday, September 20, 2010


Mystic rose meditation, a therapy by Osho, which asks you to laugh, cry and be silent, each for some duration seems to be soul cleansing activity. Though the first part has been overly abundant with me, I had not the second and third one in proportions. But, after today, they all can be certainly balanced. It was like hell, but it actually cleanses you, not your eyes only, but it purifies the whole you.
It just happened with all those small insignificant things of life which were not going the way I wanted them to be, plus the past accumulated stuff (which was already effervescing), just made its way, bursting itself out. Had the potential to drench me, like I had been in the rain. I could have my lungs out. It was all hazy, the present was just melting in front of myself, had that bump not obstructed my way. 
How does it feel, when after exploring a hell lot of options, you come up with the conclusion that life is not treating you fairly, am sure its disheartening?

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