Monday, September 6, 2010


It really hurts to hurt ...knowingly you have to do it, although it is damn hard to do so, but with great pain you step ahead to trample on your rosy dreams which keeps you alive.
It is really confusing, the consciousness speaks that it aint gonna happen, the mind is opposing the very thought of togetherness, but your subconscious always tries to make it beautiful, showing you the ray of optimism and a blurring belief that yes, you are gonna fall for it.

It tough, very just tread on it.
Life is full of surprises, it has made me believe that obviously i have been wrong many a times, but anything is possible in spite of your accepting the reality or not.
Had not expected this, i am almost acting as if i am actually encircled into this.
My conscious which was built as per prior experiences, happenings around me really dont want this, although deep down inside there is a longing for this, how do i deny that truly i dont want to deny.
Maybe people are right, one should go through this, this experience in itself is worth it, you would not know when it all happened, and how much you would want it your way, it wont.
Being a self proclaimed stoic would not help, this whole shebang would make you go weak in knees.
How much you try not to make her feel the way she should not about you, there is more love, unbounded by anything, flowing freely in every vein of the body.
Like other’s its going to meet the same fate, just any of the extremes.

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