Tuesday, September 21, 2010


Life has turned full circle, the air now is redolent with the sweet smelling solitary memories of the once cursed past. Inside out....
Everything in retrospect seems to be fine, as it looks now, but the present is still being spoiled. Dark moods often overtaking the mind throwing into the fathomless depth of desolation.
Just one reason, nothing else, could be so devastating. Its just that the essence of unspoken words has not been comprehended mutually. Painful it is, but the charm and sadistic pleasure experienced by self due to the unfulfilled love is unavoidable. It longs for more love, hence accompanied by pain which always comes in handy.
Surely, its making the wants more dearer than the needs. Nothing can be done to console yourself, or at least heart. Very rightly said, nothing is stable in human affairs, so never be so elated in happiness nor grieve much during bad times.

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