Sunday, October 24, 2010

Euthanise me

The wait is becoming unbearable,
the desperation has no limits now,
it has become a daily thing,
for it has made my life hell somehow.

Just come out of this,
say it and get it off me,
once n for all,
save me from this dark unfathomable pitfall.

I am ready to be tamed,
but if and only if its your name,
Nothing else gives me a damn,
all i care is about me and you,
as I am burning in this never ending flame.

Dont leave me alone,
i am getting used to this aphasia, 
it has become a lame distress,
if u cant help me,
at least give me euthanasia.

S[he] Be[lie]ve[d]

He always lies and the innocent She always believes.

Wordless it is..

Tuesday, October 19, 2010


He got what he needed the most,
she wouldn't have any idea what it was for him,
he felt blessed to have it,
as it was the only thing needed to keep him alive.

Few more days,
it could lead to prolonged dejection,
but it was like a dose to revive, 
like oxygen to breathe and survive.

It was all with her,
just with her, into her,
there is no idea of any surroundings,
just the mind at peace 
and heart content with bliss.

No remembrance,
of anything else,
except her, just her,
n nothing less.

Wish that night never ended,
the talks, exchanged glances,
the love in the air,
all gave it a magical flair.

Can not be explained,
for its always a experience,
tears of ecstasy,
with world in absence.

Those few hours,
can not be erased,
for those were the moments,
that brought an end to the yearning,
which was all going to waste.

There will a day again,
when he would need a dose,
but as there are few more breaths,
he doesn't care any more.

Although its a new life,
a resurrection,
it seems,
this is all about wait and just anticipation.

Sunday, October 17, 2010


How much u pretend,
try hard to face those waves of emotions,
u fail at times,
those will just sweep u away along with them.

Theres a longing to talk,
n keep on doing that,
it is quite irresistible.

Need a simple answer,
how long its gonna last,
so my head gets clear,
my heart becomes my own.

It is just so hard,
to let go off me,
its a torture now,
to not think about it all the while.                          


This feeling,
looks weird at times,
sometimes nonsense,
for there is no logic at all,
yet to the heart, it makes sense.

Uncanny is all this,
tempting it is to the core,
can not be described,
what happens inside.

What you feel,
you cant tell,
but surely it is nothing less than hell.

Encircled by this dilemma,
should spill the beans or not,
but its just hard to decide,
to do or not.

Should wait or just forget,
for both are inducing pain,
in my every vein.

This mad writing,
keeps me occupied,
would you ever get it,
or its all in vain.

Have started envying you,
it looks the table has turned,
i dread if this paves way to hatred,
but would you mind,
because my hate is too much love.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

All over me

The desperation bore no fruit,
apart from pricking disappointment,
she proved me wrong once more,
turning me into a heart sore.

Was this an allusion,
tied with crushing of expectations,
dont give shelter to these feelings,
for me, it wouldn't have any meaning.

Its not me

Gloom is in full bloom,
have been devoid of,
what they always lived for.

Smile is what they badly need,
its a thing of past now,
since for them,
its an unachievable feat.

Would need that sum one,
who would make them smile,
make their wishes come true,
n to get rid of everyday blues.

The air here acts as a repellent,
choking it to hell,
please would someone help them,
to bring an end to this biting ailment.

Thursday, October 14, 2010


Its the silent admiration,
which keeps it calm.
am afraid, when u look me that way,
because its really hard to absorb it all,
it makes me feel as if i cant even crawl.

I know may be u will prove me wrong,
but somewhere deep inside us,
we both know, we could get along.

We are aware of this inclination,
but its just the conscious,
which is keeping away from it.

U know fear is only that,
if the words would remain unsaid,
no reciprocation of emotions,
no acceptance, 
what is left is just misunderstood notions.

There would be silence all along,
which is going to haunt to the core,
just two souls burning in mutual agony,
felt this way never before.

Daily pangs n regret in the heart,
the pain seems excruciating,
as these memories will never depart.

I can feel it, 
but would u feel the same.
Time is a great healer,
but it would never be again.

It seems its still now,
these moments will never pass somehow.
The air is redolent with fear,
its the fear of nothingness,
making it all absolutely unclear.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Beyond my realm

Tumultuous getting it is,
its going alternate,
you feel like a dog,
one day its all hunky dory,
the other days are hell,
but to the heart, it seems real gory.

How long it will last,
this madness, this craziness,
getting difficult to bear,
finding it hollow even in nothingness.

Expectations trampled upon harshly,
giving way to intense insanity,
emotions get a volcanic jolt,
life is just over,
with things untold.

It is all just uncontrollable,
mind, not heart, seeks sulking revenge,
would it be undue,
but the question is, 
with or without you..?

Friday, October 8, 2010


Have started questioning now,
whether u used to feel the same sometime,
the way i am feeling it now.

If it yes,
I do know now,
how painful it is to survive,
in-spite of how hard u strive.

Am culling each memory from the past,
just to find out if someday u tried hard.
I do have some bleak moments,
pity, couldn't figure it then.

Am drowning now,
hardly able to breathe.
Just waiting for ur hand,
to make it at ease.

Know have been a moron,
but please save me,
unless u dont want me to see the dawn.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010


The heart starts pounding,
at the anticipation of just the mention.
Dont know what happened,
the absurdity of this still cant be gaged. 

Heart keeps on reminding,
that people call it love,
which seems very scary to accept.

Thoughts are about u most of time,
it seems still u have not realized.

The acceptance is there, 
that it was my fault,
u kept on screaming, 
n I didn't halt.

Its almost the same now,
just wish u dont repeat the mistake,
which I did somehow.

Seems cant live like this,
for it never affected this way before,
I just beg,
please rescue me till shore.

Admittance that I was busy,
n u r in the same boat,
but it isn't necessary to follow protocol.

I know u r unaware of these thoughts,
as these are still untied,
but I am writing this to let u know,
that I am dying inside.