Tuesday, October 19, 2010


He got what he needed the most,
she wouldn't have any idea what it was for him,
he felt blessed to have it,
as it was the only thing needed to keep him alive.

Few more days,
it could lead to prolonged dejection,
but it was like a dose to revive, 
like oxygen to breathe and survive.

It was all with her,
just with her, into her,
there is no idea of any surroundings,
just the mind at peace 
and heart content with bliss.

No remembrance,
of anything else,
except her, just her,
n nothing less.

Wish that night never ended,
the talks, exchanged glances,
the love in the air,
all gave it a magical flair.

Can not be explained,
for its always a experience,
tears of ecstasy,
with world in absence.

Those few hours,
can not be erased,
for those were the moments,
that brought an end to the yearning,
which was all going to waste.

There will a day again,
when he would need a dose,
but as there are few more breaths,
he doesn't care any more.

Although its a new life,
a resurrection,
it seems,
this is all about wait and just anticipation.

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