Wednesday, October 6, 2010


The heart starts pounding,
at the anticipation of just the mention.
Dont know what happened,
the absurdity of this still cant be gaged. 

Heart keeps on reminding,
that people call it love,
which seems very scary to accept.

Thoughts are about u most of time,
it seems still u have not realized.

The acceptance is there, 
that it was my fault,
u kept on screaming, 
n I didn't halt.

Its almost the same now,
just wish u dont repeat the mistake,
which I did somehow.

Seems cant live like this,
for it never affected this way before,
I just beg,
please rescue me till shore.

Admittance that I was busy,
n u r in the same boat,
but it isn't necessary to follow protocol.

I know u r unaware of these thoughts,
as these are still untied,
but I am writing this to let u know,
that I am dying inside.

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