Thursday, October 14, 2010


Its the silent admiration,
which keeps it calm.
am afraid, when u look me that way,
because its really hard to absorb it all,
it makes me feel as if i cant even crawl.

I know may be u will prove me wrong,
but somewhere deep inside us,
we both know, we could get along.

We are aware of this inclination,
but its just the conscious,
which is keeping away from it.

U know fear is only that,
if the words would remain unsaid,
no reciprocation of emotions,
no acceptance, 
what is left is just misunderstood notions.

There would be silence all along,
which is going to haunt to the core,
just two souls burning in mutual agony,
felt this way never before.

Daily pangs n regret in the heart,
the pain seems excruciating,
as these memories will never depart.

I can feel it, 
but would u feel the same.
Time is a great healer,
but it would never be again.

It seems its still now,
these moments will never pass somehow.
The air is redolent with fear,
its the fear of nothingness,
making it all absolutely unclear.

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