Saturday, December 18, 2010

Scary Intimacy

This fickle mind,
is going to devastate the whole me some day.
The intensity of repulsion, the confrontation,
all escapes just with a simple conversation.

Cursing yourself,
for spilling the beans,
has become a routine.
Is it bad or is it just fine,
am never gonna find.
Its just my alter ego at the play,
if I let go of it, its very much okay.

Its real hard to act as one,
which you are not a part of,
when little tiny expectations become your world,
and they are being trampled upon rudely,
you are bound to retort.

It happened,
in the same way.
Hell broke loose, as always,
for I thought again, its the last time,

Had to accept the hard way,
that it all needs to be gagged,
doesn't matter, if it hurts,
for the pain would be less than what it is now.

Importance, always made to hurt,
is it with all us mortals or is it just her.
Tumultuous it became,
with violent streaks taking shelter.

And then all of sudden,
I was soothed,
my senses calmed,
was made human again.

It felt like ventilators,
in this no oxygen zone.
But why all this discomfort,
just because of her's comfort.
Ironic it is to accept,
but yes, thats the way it is.

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