Monday, December 20, 2010

Smoky Garage

Staring at those walls,
pondering upon what just went by,
was it expected or not.

Always in the ambiguity,
what's gonna unfold,
amazed at the ways,
how all this has been devised.

Makes you feel good, bad,
and at the end, 
consoling yourself,
since you could not find the way out of it,
it seems, nothing is stable in human affairs.

Everything's composed,
somewhere in the heaven,
how things are and would be,
unable to connect,
in this perplexed living.

Think this way, 
and it turns out different,
just shuttling between,
great expectations and
abject disappointment.

Fickle mindedness,
incurable instability,
elation for a while,
then craziness ahead.

Affectionate love,
distorted dreams,
confusion galore,
assorted with sporadic fear.

Would this all make sense,
hopefully someday when the sky is clear.

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