Friday, December 24, 2010

so-called LoVe

It was long back,
although its now over,
have forgotten or had to,
for dont have any option.

Felt like a blow,
sometimes pricking to death,
when you made someone else,
more better than myself.

Would you ever understand,
its not easy to gulp,
am still fighting the war with myself,
to get rid of this confusion,
but you still busy putting,
flames on ignition.

It was like,
bathing in hot molten iron,
slitting all apart,
without any feel,
life to depart.

Why aggravation,
if you cant just soothe,
or render alleviation.

Cant stop you from this,
may be you are right,
will surely endure this,
just be on my side.

But wouldn't it be lovely,
and nice,
if you understood all this,
Dont you feel love,
if yes, then why me to entice.

I just hope everything just goes down with this ending night.

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